Artist Selection Process at Soul Made Gallery

Artist Selection Process at Soul Made Gallery

Document Purpose: To outline the comprehensive selection process for artists applying to sell their handmade, designer, luxurious, and sustainable creations on Soul Made Gallery, a global platform for unique bags, accessories, and apparel.

1. Introduction

Soul Made Gallery is committed to providing a curated collection of handmade, designer, and luxurious products that adhere to the highest standards of quality and sustainability. Our selection process for artists is meticulous and thorough, ensuring that only the most exceptional talents from around the world are showcased on our platform.

2. Application Submission

  • Artists interested in selling their creations on Soul Made Gallery can submit their applications via email to
  • The application should include a detailed portfolio showcasing their work, a biography, and information about their sustainable practices.
  • Artists are encouraged to provide high-quality images of their products and a description of their creative process.

3. Eligibility Criteria

To be considered for selection, artists must meet the following criteria:

Luxurious and High-Quality Work:

  • Artists must produce handmade creations that are luxurious and of exceptionally high quality.


  • Artists must demonstrate a commitment to sustainability in their production processes, including responsible sourcing of materials and environmentally friendly practices.

Global Location:

  • We accept applications from artists located anywhere in the world. Our goal is to promote diversity and creativity on a global scale.

4. Jury Evaluation

  • Our selection process involves a monthly jury panel consisting of experts in various artistic fields, sustainability, and fashion.
  • The jury evaluates each application based on the following criteria:
    • Quality and craftsmanship of the artwork.
    • Sustainability practices employed by the artist.
    • Unique and innovative designs.
    • Market fit and alignment with Soul Made Gallery's brand values.

5. Monthly Selection Process

  • The jury convenes once a month to review the applications received during that period.
  • Each application is reviewed independently by jury members who provide scores and comments.
  • After individual evaluations, the jury convenes to discuss and collectively decide on the acceptance or rejection of each artist.
  • Decisions are made based on a consensus or majority vote.

6. Notification of Acceptance

  • Artists will be notified of the jury's decision by email within two weeks of the monthly jury meeting.
  • Accepted artists will receive detailed guidelines on how to set up their storefront on Soul Made Gallery.

8. Ongoing Evaluation

  • Accepted artists are continuously evaluated to ensure they maintain the high standards of quality, sustainability, and creativity expected on Soul Made Gallery.
  • Any artist found to be consistently falling short of these standards may be subject to removal from the platform.


Soul Made Gallery's artist selection process is designed to maintain the highest level of quality and sustainability in the products offered on our platform. We believe in supporting talented artists from around the world who share our commitment to luxury, quality, and environmental responsibility. Our monthly jury ensures that every artist accepted meets these criteria, providing customers with a unique and ethical shopping experience.

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